Women Are Talking

August 11, 2020
In this episode, Prof. Nina Morrison discusses Plumes by Georgia Douglas Johnson.

August 4, 2020
In this episode, Prof. Chrystyna Dail discusses Dulcitius by Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim.

July 28, 2020
A new video series! In this episode, Prof. Cheryl Black discusses Susan Glaspell's The People.

Sallie Bingham Projects: Caroline R. Hill, Ohio State University, Part II
January 10, 2019
Caroline Hill, along with fellow grad student Aviva Neff, won inaugural Saliie Bingham Grants for their collaboration on the "She, Too, Sings America" festival they produced to honor women playwrights of the Harlem Renaissance. Here, Caroline shares another chapter of the process.

Sallie Bingham Projects: Caroline R. Hill, Ohio State University, Part I
December 3, 2018
Caroline Hill, along with fellow grad student Aviva Neff, won inaugural Saliie Bingham Grants for their collaboration on the She, Too, Sings America festival they produced to honor women playwrights of the Harlem Renaissance. Here, Caroline shares the beginnings of the project...

Sallie Bingham Projects: Aviva Neff, Ohio State University, Part I
November 9, 2018
Aviva Helena Neff and Caroline Hill each recieved a 2018 Sallie Bingham Grant to apply to their directing projects, which were part of a single evening and a larger celebration in Columbus, Ohio of the Harlem Renaissance. Here is Part 1 of Aviva's account of the experience!

Sallie Bingham Projects: Ksenia Volynkina, CUNY Queensborough Community College
October 12, 2018
We asked the inaugural four recipients of the Sallie Bingham Grant to talk to us about their experiences directing their winning piece. Here is the first in the series...

A production of Lillian Hellman's DAYS TO COME
August 17, 2018
Mint Theater Company presents a rare production of Days to Come by Lillian Hellman,“one of the most important playwrights of the American theater.” (New York Times)